In economics, you are taught that the exchange of physically intangible items between countries is called invisible trade. Invisible trade can be distinguished from visible trade which involves the export, import, and re-export of physically tangible goods. Now, basic categories of invisible trade include services (receipts and payments arising from activities such as customer service or shipping); income from foreign investment in the form of interest, profits, and dividends; private or government transfers of monies from one country to another; and intellectual property and patents. Remember, services account for the vast majority of invisible trade. Such services include freight and passenger transport; banking and other financial transactions.
If this is true, and if it is equally true that the internet has made things easier for us making the whole word a global village and that all offline trade can and are being transferred to the internet today, why are you finding it difficult to make money on the internet through this same method?
I feel it’s your ignorance, what do you think?
Listen, zillion of invisible transactions in form of trade goes on the internet every day, from the simplest upward. It is like a data stream, there are companies waiting to take advantage what you know or have for a fee.
Here in this world of internet, its basically invisible trade (services) which invariable translates to visible trade. But either way it is the biggest world to trade in!
So, what do you do? Get to know how you can swim in this ocean of invisible trade for visible monies. There are a number of different services that will be made available to you directly or indirectly right here in this page and subsequent pages. So take advantage of EVERYTHING I mean every sentence you see in every page, be patient enough to read with understanding, listen to and carry out instructions where they are required.
Now I do need to disclose that if you click on one of the links in this article, Dangote makes an affiliate commission based on you signing up for the service or do specific things. But that's all part of the equation here, in my opinion: just as companies seek to gain access to your followers, you also seek to make a few bucks too, which is kind of how this capitalism thing works. It is all about service the truth here is to find a balance between greed and purity.
Welcome to wealth as you follow me patiently.
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